Advance care planning
Thinking about my future
Care Towards the end of life
Information on exploring care options, where to go for help with benefits, advise on the Advance Care Plan document. Information on message in a bottle SPICT-4ALL uses non-medical words but is similar to the SPICT for health professionals. You can use it to help you ask about more help from a doctor, a nurse or another professional.
Butterfly Hospice
Cancer Support Lincolnshire
Thinking about my future
Being a carer
Wellbeing and Psycholgical support
This is a link to the Cancer Support Lincolnshire website where you can find links for help and support
Being a carer
Coping with Bereavement
This page provides information on bereavement support available.
Thinking about my future
Link to Dementia services in Lincolnshire
Thinking about my future
Link to Lincolnshire Frailty website
Funeral Planning
Funeral cost comparison site.
Growing Older with Learning Disabilities Talking About Growing Older and End of Life
Thinking about my future
Learning Disabilities
Guidance for Carers
Being a carer