St Barnabas Hospice Website

St Barnabas Services available

St Barnabas Hospice Wellbeing


  • Family & Carers
  • Physical
  • Psychological & Spiritual
  • Welfare and Benefits

St Barnabas Hospice at Home

St Barnabas Care in the Hospice

Palliative Care Co-ordination Centre (PCCC SPA)

St Barnabas Hospice provides free, palliative care to adults aged 18 and over in Lincolnshire who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting or terminal illness.

The Palliative Care Co-ordination Centre (PCCC) is where patient referrals can be made. It is also available to Health Professionals, carers, patients and their families who need advice and support regarding end-of-life care.

Connect to Support Lincolnshire 

This is a fast and effective way to access general advice about a wide range of Lincolnshire services. Not limited to health but also includes signposting to money, home, family, care, legal, work resources.