If you or a loved one is in need of support and are not known to any services you can always to talk with your GP about what serives are available to help you.
St Barnabas Hospice has a range of services that can support you
Welfare and benefits advice
Living with a life-limiting or terminal illness, or caring for someone who is, can lead to serious financial problems. Our Welfare Services Team can help you understand what financial help is available.Contact our Welfare Services Team on 01476 513 544
Support for carers
Are you caring for someone with a life limiting or terminal illness?If you are regularly taking a relative or friend to appointments, helping them with household chores and assisting them with dressing themselves and bathing, then you are a Carer.
Day Therapy
Day Therapy offers a range of clinical, emotional and spiritual support services in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. You will have access to a team of nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, health and rehabilitation support workers, chaplains and volunteers.You can refer yourself to Day Therapy by contacting us on 0300 020 0694. Any healthcare professional involved in your care can also make a referral on your behalf.
Hospice at Home
Many people want to be cared for in their own home. This is where they feel safe and comfortable, and can spend precious time with their loved ones.For more information about Hospice at Home services in your area call 0300 020 0694.
Care in the Hospice
The Inpatient Unit on Nettleham Road in Lincoln has eleven specialist beds and referral to this service is made via a healthcare professional such as your GP, specialist nurse, community nurse or hospital.
Care in Grantham
The Hospice in the Hospital is a six bedded hospice within Grantham and District General Hospital.
The Palliative Care Co-ordination Centre is open 365 days a year. Operating from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 5pm on Weekends and Bank Holidays.
The team offer advice and support to health professionals, patients and their families and carers.
Calls are initially taken by the administration team who will forward the referral to the relevant team. The clinician may need to contact you for further details.
Palliative Care Co-ordination Centre The Palliative Care Co-ordination Centre is the St Barnabas Hospice Single Point of Access (SPA). Available to Health Professionals, patients and their families and carers who need advice and support regarding end-of-life care.
For more information or to make a referral call the PCCC on 0300 020 0694
Services offered by the PCCC
- St Barnabas Community Service referrals
- Referrals for packages of care for those in receipt of health funding
- Initial referral taken for pre and post bereavement support.
- Equipment recall following a patient death
Criteria for referral
- Registered with a Lincolnshire GP
- Aged 18 years or over
- Diagnosed with a life-limiting or terminal illness
End-of-life Care Toolkits for Carers at Home
This is an excellent guide to help families, friends, volunteers or generalist clinicians without experience of caring for a person who is dying to support someone dying at home - From the Helix Centre working with Central North West London NHS Trust who have developed it