Service categories
Being a carerCarers FIRST
Carers FIRST delivers the Lincolnshire Carers Service in partnership with the Lincolnshire County Council's Customer Service Centre. They provide a wide range of services to carers across the county
Carers FIRST delivers the Lincolnshire Carers Service in partnership with Lincolnshire County Council's Customer Service Centre supporting people who look after a relative or friend who due to ill health, physical or mental illness, disability, frailty, or addiction cannot manage without their support.
They provide information, advice, guidance, emotional support, training and activities, giving carers an opportunity to have a break from their caring role and help them to get the support they need.
You don't have to wait until you are struggling to talk to someone about your caring role and the help you can get. If you want to talk with someone from the Carers FIRST team
The Customer Service Centre is the gateway to access carers services and can be contacted on 01522 782224.
Support for carers
Are you caring for someone with a life limiting or terminal illness?If you are regularly taking a relative or friend to appointments, helping them with household chores and assisting them with dressing themselves and bathing, then you are a Carer.
A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member or friend, who is unable to do basic day to day tasks like personal care such as washing, dressing, taking medication and attending appointments etc.
For some, taking on a caring role can be sudden, for others caring responsibilities can grow gradually over time. The amount and type of support that carers provide can vary considerably. It can range from a few hours a week, such as picking up prescriptions and preparing meals, to providing emotional support and personal care day and night.
We know that caring for a loved one can be very rewarding, but we understand it can also be demanding of your time and sometimes overwhelming.
Carers First offer patients, their relatives and carers support where they need it and when they need it.
Carers Allowance (CA)
This is for people who are caring for 35 hours or more a week, and the person they are caring for is in receipt of Disabled Living Allowance on middle or high rate care, Personal independence payment (any rate) for Daily Living or Attendance Allowance (any rate). It is not means tested regarding savings or capital, but any earned income must be below a designated figure to qualify.
NOTE: Carers Allowance can affect the other benefits that you and the person you care for get. In some cases it will enable the carer to receive additional premiums if claiming other means tested benefits.
For more information about benefits and entitlements call St Barnabas Welfare team on 01476 513 544
UK Care Guide
The UK Care Guide has been created to help you and your loved ones answer a number of questions related to mid and later life.
You will find information on help and guidance covering a range of issues from financial and legal issues through to helping you find care or to find products that can help make life more comfortable at home.