VOICES Bereavement survey 2023

Have you recently lost a loved one? 

It is important that we understand the experience of those who have sadly died. As a carer or family member we would really welcome your feedback, so we can take your loved one's thoughts and experiences into account. Your views are, therefore, important to us. This questionnaire is about the care and services received by you and your friend/relative in the last months of their life.

This questionnaire uses the questions from the Views of Informal Carers – Evaluation of Services (VOICES). VOICES is a questionnaire, which up until 2015, was conducted nationally by the Department of Health and Social Care. The questionnaire explores all aspects of an individual's care before they died and how you were supported after their death. All provided answers remain anonymous and will never identify you or your family to your community care team or GP practice.
The survey should take between 10 - 35 minutes to complete, depending on your experience.

Closing date: 31st August 2023

HWLincs is working with NHS Lincolnshire to improve the experiences of patients and those around them as they receive end of life care. By telling us your story, our health and care services can positively shape the end of life services within the county.

What difference did the Voices 2022 feedback make? Your feedback will be used by NHS Lincolnshire to improve the services they provide. Following previous feedback NHS Lincolnshire implemented:

  • Additional training specific to palliative and end of life care
  • Easier access to specialist clinicians for advice and help
  • More widely available and upgraded the information available through a dedicated website (www.eolc.co.uk