Service categories
Last weeks / days of lifeSt Barnabas Hospice, Lincoln InPatient Unit (IPU) referral form
When referring a patient into the IPU a form will need to be completed and returned to St Barnabas inpatient unit. Use secure email at ipureferrals@stbarnabashospice.co.uk, or by uploading to SystmOne and tasking ‘IPU referrals’ to notify the team of the referral. If the form is uploaded to SystmOne, please ensure a share is in place so it can be accessed by the hospice.
Please email referrals to ipureferrals@stbarnabashospice.co.uk, OR attach to patient’s SystmOne case notes and task ‘IPU Referrals’ to notify the team that a referral has been uploaded.
Please telephone for urgent referrals (01522 511566).
Referrals are triaged at 9am & 2pm Monday - Friday. The referrer will then be contacted directly.
Palliative Care Co-ordination Centre (PCCC SPA)
St Barnabas Hospice provides free, palliative care to adults aged 18 and over in Lincolnshire who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting or terminal illness.
The Palliative Care Co-ordination Centre (PCCC) is where patient referrals can be made. It is also available to Health Professionals, carers, patients and their families who need advice and support regarding end-of-life care.
St Barnabas Services available
St Barnabas Hospice Wellbeing
- Family & Carers
- Physical
- Psychological & Spiritual
- Welfare and Benefits