EPaCCS Webinar Recording 

On Tuesday 19th October 2021 a webinar was held facilitated by Dr Clive Cole Macmillan GP.

The webinar covers a short presentation from Kerry Bareham Nurse Consultant St Barnabas Hospice covering:

  • Why EPaCCS
  • Outcomes 
  • End of Life Quality Standards
  • EPaCCS and Quality Improvement 

and a presentation from Sean Leathen Project Manager LHITS covering:

  • Where to find the download tools
  • Where to find the set up instructions 
  • Demonstation on making sure we are using the correct EPaCCs template
  • Demonstation on using the GSF registar and After Death Audit Tools

EPaCCS Webinar short video on How to Use The Tools

This is a clip of  Sean Leathen Project Manager LHIT presentation from 

  • Where to find the download tools
  • Where to find the set up instructions 
  • Demonstation on making sure we are using the correct EPaCCs template
  • Demonstation on using the GSF registar and After Death Audit Tools

Lincolnshire End of Life Care Tools – EPaCCS

1st December 2020 | Source: Provided by Leathen Healthcare IT Solutions in collaboration with St Barnabas Hospice and ICB

Health and Social care staff Information on how to install the GSF and After Death Audit Tools into Microsoft Excel on your computer is included in the link below:

EPaCCS explained

The Electronic Palliative Care Coordination System (EPaCCS) is a tool to help improve palliative and end of life care for patients and their carers across Lincolnshire. This is a pdf of an A5 booklet explaining EPaCCS to Health Professionals.

13th October 2015

EPaCCS (GSF) download fault report form

A fault report form to record issues with the EPaCCS download tool. This is forwarded to the developer. Please be aware that a response may be forthcoming but that support is not commissioned across Lincolnshire. However your feedback will lead to the software being improved and updates will be available on this website.

29th January 2020

Lincolnshire End of Life Care Tools – EPaCCS

For Health and Social care staff Information on how to install the GSF and After Death Audit Tools into Microsoft Excel on your computer.

1st December 2020 | Source: Provided by Leathen Healthcare IT Solutions in collaboration with St Barnabas Hospice