Service categories
Childrens Palliative CareTeenage and Young People East Midlands Integrated Cancer Services
Being diagnosed with cancer can turn your life upside down at any age. Teenagers and Young Adults (TYA) have specific needs due to their age that can create challenges at this difficult time. The East Midlands TYA service aims to provide specialist age-appropriate care and emotional, psychological and social support to young people aged 13-24 who have been diagnosed with cancer, and to their family and friends. There are specialist units throughout the UK that 13–24-year old's can access for treatment and support throughout their cancer journey. These are called Principal Treatment Centres (PTC) and are centralised within geographical regions. There are also Designated Centres that offer treatment in local hospitals, Lincoln County being one of these.
If patients are age 13-18 years old, national guidance recommends that they are best cared for in an age-appropriate Teenage Cancer Trust unit at the Principal Treatment Centre (Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham City Hospital or Leicester Royal Infirmary). If they are aged 19 to 24, they have the choice to be treated locally in a Designated Centre (where approved) or in a Principal Treatment Centre. Wherever patients are treated in the region, they all have access to the same support by members of the TYA team.
The East Midlands TYA MDT Meetings are held weekly on a Friday between 12 –1pm, and you can join the MDT remotely via video link. Referrals for discussion at the TYA MDT are to be received no later than 4pm on a Wednesday to be included on that week’s Friday agenda. Any referrals received after this will be discussed at the MDT the following week. All referral forms are to be submitted and sent via secure NHS.net email to NUHNT.EMTYAMDT@NHS.NET Ideally patients should be referred to the TYA MDT within 14 days of diagnosis and where this is not possible, they should be referred into the service within 28 days.
We're always very happy to help if your colleagues are looking to access additional support for patients aged 13-24 with a confirmed cancer diagnosis.
We do also have a TYA website that can be accessed at www.eastmidlandstyaservice.nhs.uk/tya-service
SEND Local offer Lincolnshire County Council
The Local Offer includes services and events for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) and their families.
It includes advice about health, education and social care for:
- children and young people from birth to 25 years old with SEND
- parents and carers of children with SEND
- professionals working in health, care and education
- providers of services for children and young people